Striving to Construct a Discursive System of Philosophy
and Social Sciences under the Guidance of Marxism
Deng Chundong
Under the new historical conditions, the construction of the discursive system of Chinese philosophy and social sciences is an important strategic mission and great project of the time for the philosophy and social science workers. It is the urgent requirement of advancing the development and innovation of Chinese philosophy and social sciences, and of enhancing the international influence of Chinese academy. It is an important way of sticking to the leadership, administrative authority and discursive power of Marxist Ideology to respond to all kinds of international struggles in ideology culture. More importantly, it is the fundamental requirement for providing theoretical support for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, enhancing the confidence in the route, theory and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, as philosophy and social science workers, we should have a sense of urgency, of times and of a mission.
Mao Zedong's Theoretical Exploration in the Self-Improvement and Self-Development of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
Yan Shuqun
During his practical and theoretical exploration in socialism with Chinese characteristics, Mao Zedong stuck to materialistic dialectics in observing and studying socialist society, especially with the idea of contradictions within unity, through which the universality and particularity of the basic contradictions of a socialist society are revealed, and a systematic theory about contradictions in socialism was constructed. At the same time, theoretical premises, foundation and subject matter of the self-improvement and self-development of the system of Chinese socialism were illustrated in a scientific way, which enriches Marxism with creative thought. It not only served vital guiding function for the CPC in leading Chinese people to consolidate and self-improve its socialist system, but also provided basic principles, important thought resources and historical experiences for later practice of reform.
The Main Idea and Historical Contribution
of Mao Zedong's Thought on Peaceful Diplomacy
Huang Qing and Zhang Ping
The thought of peaceful diplomacy is an important part of Mao Zedong's foreign policy. The first generation of the CPC central collective leadership, represented by Mao Zedong, stuck to the independent foreign policy of peace, opposed the imperialism and hegemony, and supported the justice for the oppressed people of the world. They believed that all countries are equal and have equal rights in international affairs, regardless of their size and power. They actively engaged in developing friendship with other countries worldwide to open up new opportunities for China's international relationship. For a long time, China has followed Mao Zedong's foreign policy of peace, which gains tremendous respect for China, enhances China's international status, and creates a stable and friendly international environment for China. Mao Zedong's peaceful foreign policy is believed to contribute enormously to the history of Chinese foreign policy. In the new era, it is still significantly influencing the international relationships as we enrich the research on the connotation of Mao Zedong's foreign policy of peace.
Priority of Growth in the Means of Production
and Proportional Allocation of Resources
Yu Bin
As Lenin pointed out, in capitalist society the production of the means of production grew faster than that of the means of consumption. To this, some scholars have different opinions. But their opinions are untenable. The means of production grows preferentially not only with the technological progress, but grow preferentially even without the technological progress. That is a fact, not just a kind of theory. From the perspective of economic development, the most important resource allocation is the allocation of social labor. It's not a contradiction between prior growth in the means of production and the coordinated development of two production departments. In the formulas that Marx and Lenin listed, the prior growth in the means of production is the result of allocating resources in proportion. With regard to the proportional allocation of resources in order to balance production, “how to have a better functioning government”must be studied.
Analysis of the Core Values of Contemporary Capitalism
Yuan Yinchuan
The core values of contemporary capitalism are ideology based on capitalist economy, politics and legal system, whose purpose is to maintain the capitalistic base and system, integrate people's value and faith in capitalist countries and to guide people's behavior. However, in capitalist society, it is capital not human that enjoys real freedom and democracy. Capitalist equality is based on capitalist private ownership of production and unequal relations of production, so it is nominal equality that is de facto inequality. The essence of the core values of capitalism is money worship, hedonism and individualism. The boundary of the core values between socialism and capitalism should be distinguished to avoid negative influence of money worship, hedonism and individualism.
On Building the Consensus of Reform
in the Process of Deepening the Reform Comprehensively
Wang Shuyin
Only through emancipating our minds and building consensus can we promote the reform and opening up. To that end, we must avoid errors of formalism and tendency of extreme tendencies. It is also an ever-evolving historical process to emancipate mind and build consensus. These are successful experience accumulated during the reform and opening up of more than 30 years. At a critical moment when the reform and opening up are facing most difficult tasks, it is urgent to form consensus within the whole party and the whole society to solve the practical difficulties and bridge the differences of understanding in the process of comprehensively deepening the reform. Building consensus requires the emancipation of mind, which, together with consensus building, should comply with our principle and bottom line. For the cogent advance of the reform and opening up, we need to build consensus during the reform practice and achieve consensus with the effect of reforms.
Editor: zhang Jiangang