In the context of the integration of informatization and industrialization, the value generation of industrial internet platform has manifested itself as a model of value co-creation. The industrial internet platform realizes the sharing of production resources and production capacity through the connection and convergence of manufacturing resources and data resources, and the collective productivity it exerts is the main manifestation of the improvement of the level of production socialization. Under the joint labor of industrial internet platform developers and industrial enterprises, industrial knowledge and experience embodied as “general labor” are solidified and made explicit into industrial models after analysis and processing, and participate in the value formation process of industrial products as production tools. In the process of forming the value of industrial products, the essence of industrial internet platform is constant capital in the form of digital elements, and its operation is restricted by the logic of capital multiplication. Capital principle is still the dominant principle of contemporary social and economic life. The emergence of industrial internet platform indicates that tools characterized by energy conversion in industrial production are gradually driven or replaced by intelligent tools, marking the current development of human labor. The development of data productivity represented by industrial internet platform is an influential force to promote human labor liberation and comprehensive development.
Editor: Zhong Yao、Zheng Yifan
From:Shanghai Journal of Economics.2023.No.3.