The ideological Party building and strengthening the Party with theory are not tautological; they are both distinct and interrelated, and as a whole constitute the scientific layout and key task of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on Party building. The main idea of ideological Party building is to learn and master dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and to attach importance to the formation of a scientific worldview and methodology, and the application of historical materialism. The main idea of strengthening the Party with theory is to promote the adaption of Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times and to arm the whole Party with the developing Marxism. The ideological Party building is the foundation and premise, while strengthening the Party with theory is the goal and direction, and the two are unified in the Party’s ideological construction. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi jinping at its core, has attached great importance to strengthening the Party with theory, not only to better realize the “second combination”, i.e., the combination of the basic tenets of Marxism with the fine traditional Chinese culture, on the basis of the “first combination”, but also to further study and interpret the world impact and significance of the Party’s innovative theories.
Editor: Zhong Yao Wei Xiaoxue
From: Studies on Marxism.2023.No.10.