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STUDIES ON MARXISM (Monthly) 2014 No.1 January
     Release time: 2014-04-25




·Special Contribution·

Sticking to the Position of Marxist Ideology    Feng Yuzhang



Several Issues about Soft Power and the Present International Relations - An Interview with Professor Zhang Guozuo, Director of the Research Center for Cultural Soft Power of China    (US) Marc Abramson


·Studying the Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the CPC  (Conversation in Writing)·

Constructing the System of Socialist Economic System with Chinese Characteristics with Perspective of Totality    Hu Leming

Sticking to the Correct Direction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics during the Period of Deepening Reform Comprehensively    Jin Minqing

The Reform Pushed forward by Problems and the Problems Solved by the Reform    Xin Xiangyang

Deepening Reform Comprehensively and Improving the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics    Feng Yanli


·Marxism-Leninism and Its Sinization·

The Logic and Implications of the Evolution of General Layout of the Cause of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics    Liang Shufa

The Liberation Weekly and the Sinization of Marxism    Li Peng and Chen Dacai

Two Issues in the Study on the History of Sinization of Marxism    Shi Ji Jin

Deng Xiaoping’s Idea of “Earlier Prosperity and Common Prosperity” and Its Practice in Resource-rich Regions    Dong Jiang’ai and Chen Xiaoyan

New Understanding of Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought by the Central Committee of CPC since the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CPC    Zhang Jian and Yang Liwen



Quality of Economic Growth: A New Interpretation and Examination of Reality in China    Zhu Fangming and He Lilong

Statistical Data of GDP Covers up the Real Source of Value Creation - Taking the Production of Iphone, T-shirt and Coffee as Examples    John Smith

On the Fight for Initiative in the Game of International Economy    Chen Peng


·Philosophy and Culture·

On the Historical Significance of Marx’s Methodological Revolution    Su Wei

The Implication of China’s Enhanced Soft Power to Human Civilization - Critique of the “Chinese Civilization Threat”    Xie Xiaojuan

The Construction of Media Discourse of Ideology in Contemporary China    Wu Xueqin

On the Strengthening of the Construction of Socialist Ideological Hegemony in China    Zeng Linghui, Chen Min and Shi Liqing



From the US and European Model to Competitive Market System - A Discussion with Mr. Wu Jinglian     Fang Xingqi

Review of Western Scholars’ Misunderstanding of Mao Zedong’s Theory of People’s Democratic Dictatorship    Wang Guangsen and Zhang Jing


·Trends and Information·

Review of International Symposium of Socialism and the World Today    Chen Huiping

Review of the 21th Symposium of Chinese Society of Foreign Economics    Xu Zerong




Editor: zhang Jiangang

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