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German Communist Party、Communist Party of Luxembourg、New Communist Party of the Netherlands:Change the system, not the climate!
     Release time: 2022-03-11

Joint Declaration of the Communist Parties of Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on the UN Climate Change Conference


Climate change was largely out of the public eye during the Corona pandemic. However, studies have shown that even lockdown measures around the world have not brought climate change to a halt let alone pushed it back.


Rising temperatures and extreme weather events increasingly threaten human health and food security. In addition, extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and tropical cyclones will become more frequent. Wars, military maneuvers, transport of troops and weapons around the world, and increasing production of armaments are major contributors to high CO2 emissions and other environmental problems.


The course of the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow so far has shown that commitments and obligations of the states are not sufficient to stop climate change. Under the conditions of the capitalist mode of production, all efforts, even if serious, come up against the limits set by the principle of striving for maximum profits.


The »Green Deal« of the European Union and the so-called green policies of the governments of the EU countries often serve as a cover for huge subsidies to capitalist corporations, for which the working people are presented with the bill.


Any intentions to reduce climate-damaging substances are also insufficient because the military, as one of the biggest contributors to climate change, is left out of the resolutions.


The German Communist Party (DKP), the Communist Party of Luxembourg (KPL) and the New Communist Party of the Netherlands (NCPN) welcome any movement in which people stand up for the preservation of our planet. There is an urgent need to question the role that banks and corporations play in climate change, unrestrainedly enriching themselves through the exploitation of people and the depletion of nature at the expense of the climate, while wage earners, pensioners, apprentices and even the unemployed are burdened more via CO2 taxes and rising prices. The cost of reversing climate change should be financed primarily by rigorously cutting military spending and taxing the profits of banks and corporations.


The demand for a change in the system must not be limited to the way energy is produced, but must also include a change in the social system: the abolition of capitalism and the establishment of a socialist system.


Roermond, November 6, 2021


Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan



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