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Nguyen An Ninh:On nature of Party’s working class
     Release time: 2022-06-17

Theoritically, according to the viewpoint of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought, the nature of the Communmist Party’s working class is reflected in a concentrated way in three aspects:


Firstly, the Party is a representative of the interests and ideology of the working class and the interests of the country-the nation


The Party’s interests which are associated in a unified way with the interests of the class are clearly described by C. Marx and F. Engels: “The Party definitely has no other interests separated from the interests of the entire proletarian class” and “in the different stages of the struggle between the proletarians and the capitalists, the Party has always represented the interests of the entire movement”. These interests comprise also the immediate interests and the long-term interests of the class: “The communists fight for the immediate goals and interests of the working class, but at the same time in the current movement, they also protect and represent the movement’s future”.


With the communist party in power, these interests comprise also the interests of the country-the nation; that is why, President Ho Chi Minh affirms: Besides the interests of the people and of the working class, our Partyhas no other interests. TheCommunist Party struggles to liberate the class, the nation, making an active contribution to the cause of peace, national independence, democracy, people’s livelihood and social progress. Leading the class and nation to build successfully socialism and communism is the supreme political ideal. And, the communists have always declared openly their goal that reflects the nature of that class.


Together with the communist ideals, the nature of the working class of the communist party is also reflected in the way of organizing a new-type political party in accordance with the principles pointed out by V.I. Lenin: “The Party takes Marxism, the theory of the liberation movement of the proletarian class, as the ideological foundation; the Party only comprises the best persons of the working class, who “are fully capable of taking command and leading the entire people to advance toward socialism, fully capable of leading and organizing a new regime, of being the teacher, the guide, the leader of all the laboring people”; the party takes democratic centralism as the organizational principle and the fundamental activities; the party is the unified block in politics, ideology and organization, considering criticism and self-criticism as the Party’s development law; the party is always loyal to internationalism of the working class….


Secondly, the party is the crytalization of the working class and connected to the masses


First of all, the communist party comprises the most revolutionary people, the most loyal people, the most exemplary people and is the vanguard of the working class. Being a part of the class, stemming from the workers’ movement, connected to the class, but the party is not the entire class. V.I. Lenin requests: It is not allowed to get confused with the Party, i.e. the vanguard of the working class with the whole class, because the Party – the vanguard of the class – is only allowed to select the most conscious, most outstanding people who always place the interests of the class and the nation first.


The closely connected relations with the masses are also the manifestations of the Party’s nature of the working class.As V.I. Lenin put it, it is possible only to recognize one party, the workers’ party, when and only when that party has a real connection with the masses. This connection is also expressed in a visual way: it is the “flesh and blood ties”. This quality is a class qualitative element of the communist party, because “this party will not be worthy to that title, solong as it is yet to make the leader, the class and the people connect closely with one another in an inseparable perfect whole”; it is this close relation that “the effect of the proletarian class is ever much higher than its quantity in population”.


Maintaining this close relations of a communist party in power with the people is the primary concern of President Ho Chi Minh. He said: Our Party is a party in power, but “The cadres of the Party, the cadres of the administration are not the revolutionary mandarins, sitting on top of the world. The Party cadres and the administration cadres, even me, the highest cadre, are all the servants of the people, so we have to serve the people wholeheartedly and we have to practice industry, thrift, integrity and honesty. To this end, we have to get closer to the people, encourage the people and lead the people”. Later, He stressed in the Testament: The first thing to do is to revamp the Party, making each party member, youth union member, each party cell strive to fulfill their duties satisfactorily asssinged by the Party and serve the people wholeheartedly.


Thirdly, party members should always pioneer in the practical and theoretical activities


According to C. Marx and F. Engels, the pioneer party in its practical activities is reflected in its most resolute and most revolutionary quality and is a driving force of the workers’ movement: Practically, the communists are the most resolute part in the workers’ parties in all countries, are the part which has always pushed the movement to advance forwards.


These qualities have been formed through the training of the mode of industrial production, of the realities in class struggle and discipline of the party’s organization. President Ho Chi Minh has pointed out: The revolutionary features of the working class are resolution, thoroughness, collectiveness, organization and discipline. Also according to Him, the pioneer character in the practical activities is also because of the fact that “Our Party is the purebred child” of the bravest, most revolutionary class, which has always bravely coped with imperialists and colonialists.


President Ho Chi Minh also adds a quality which reflects the nature of the working class: its example in morality. “Our Party is morality, is civilization”, so “…. In whatever situation, party members must place the Party’s interests above all else. If the Party’s interests run counter with individuals’ interests, then individuals’ interests must absolutely comply with the Party’s interests” .


The Party is a pioneer in theory. According the C. Marx and F. Engels, it is reflected in the aspect: “Theoritically, it is better than the remaining part of the proletarian class in the fact that it understands clearly the conditions, processes and common results of the proletarian movement”. The intellect and persistent abilities while the communist party leads the revolution stem from the quality of this theory. Theoritical pioneer is also needed for a party to lead the class and the nation, because as V.I. Lenin put it: “only such a party is guided by the pioneer theory, then it has a capacity to fulfill its role as the pioneer fighter”. This theory, according to F. Engels, is “scientific socialism, the reflection in the theoritical aspect of the proletarian movement”.


Pioneer in theory, loyal and creative application of the Marxist-Leninist theory are considered by President Ho Chi Minh as the first and foremost factor that the Party could be powerful and unified in politics and ideology: “If the Party wants to be solid, then it needs an ‘ism’ as a core and in the party, everyone should understand, should follow that ‘ism’; the most genuine, most reliable, most revolutionary ‘ism’ is Leninism”. On the other hand, summing up the practical experience, developing the theory conforming to realities are also the objective requirement for the Party’s leadership. President Ho Chi Minh points out: Theory is not something rigid; it is full of creativity; theory has always been added by the conclusions drawn from the lively realities. Accordingly, the way of understanding, theway of implementing the nature of the working class by the Communist Party of Vietnam also needs “to stand firm in the land of realities” of Vietnam; with the salient spirit being “the Party is the vanguard of the working class, at the same time also the vanguard of the nation”; the interests of the country-nation is the Party’s primary concern.


This is another observation of President Ho Chi Minh about the working class of Vietnam and it can be considered as the generalization of the theory on the working class of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the “bravest, most revolutionary class which has always coped bravely with the imperialists and colonialists. With the pioneering revolutionary theory and experience of the international proletarian movement, our working class has proved to be the worthiest and most reliable leader of the Vietnamese people”.



Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan




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