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David Skripac:The Pretense of Democracy
     Release time: 2022-12-23

Though we in the West have been indoctrinated by our government schools to believe that capitalism and democracy thrive together and cannot survive without one another, in fact just the opposite is the case. All forms of capitalism are completely incongruous with all forms of democracy—direct, representative, presidential, parliamentary, participatory, social, and Islamic.


Indeed, capitalism and democracy can coexist only temporarily. Capitalism’s inevitable dysfunctions—undemocratically run enterprises, extreme concentration of wealth and power, unequal distribution of goods (resulting in artificial excess and scarcity), and public-private partnerships (creating unholy alliances between capitalists and government officials)—become manifest in, and eventually erode, any well-intended brand of democracy.


Thus, no matter how noble the aims of some of the American Founding Fathers in creating a constitutionally limited representative democratic republic, that republic was, by the end of the nineteenth century, barely functioning. Granted, representative democracy may have still been working at municipal and county levels, but at the state and national levels it had become nothing more than an illusion.


Today, the United States “republic”—such as it is—and other so-called Western democracies are under attack by a global financial oligarchy. Intertwined with and embedded in the WEF and its parent, the United Nations, these financial oligarchs forward a neo-Malthusian depopulation agenda that targets all of humanity.


Ironically, capitalists who give lip service to the idea of “democracy” and pretend it actually exists in politics have never allowed “democracy” in the workplaces they own, control, and amass personal fortunes from. Why not? Surely it is because they recognize that the deprivations, inequities, bought-and-paid-for politicians, and ecological disasters that plague the world today are natural outgrowths of the unaccountable power wielded by the privileged few at the top of global capitalist-run organizations.


In short, by not democratizing the economy and its means of production, a political system that calls itself a representative democracy or any other kind of democracy can never stand the test of time. The autocratically run,undemocratic institutions that make up its economy will eventually dominate that nation’s political and economic spheres.


Put another way: Any nation, without exception, that utilizes the capitalist economic system has always succumbed and will continue to succumb to the aforementioned erosion in democracy at the state (or provincial) and national levels of politics.



Editor: Zhong YaoZheng Yifan




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