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International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties: The Struggle Against USA and NATO Imperialism which Seek World Hegemony is the Key Task of the Progressive Forces
     Release time: 2023-01-19

A resolution passed at the XXII International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties, Havana, 28-29 October, 2022. A total of 22 political parties agreed to the resolution.


The starting point for this resolution is the Ukrainian-Russian war in 2022. The Russian-Ukrainian war was an imperialist-led war. The purpose of the war was to plunder resources and promote Fascism.


The peoples of the world are witnessing a rapid sharpening of the general crisis of capitalism. Unable to cope with the growing contradictions, imperialism is becoming ever more dangerous for humankind.


In fact the war, as armed struggle of classes, nations or states, has been waged since 2014 when the Kiev Nazis launched a punitive operation against the population of Donbass. People were being killed for wanting to speak their native Russian tongue, refusing to recognize collaborators with Hitler’s Nazism as heroes, to destroy Soviet monuments and sever their links with Russia.


Combined political, financial, economic and military resources of world capital, including the human resources of mercenaries, have been committed to the suppression and dismemberment of Russia.


The objective is characteristic of big capital: eliminating competition and re-dividing spheres of influence. Above all in Europe. The aim is to establish world hegemony of the USA in the 21st century with active and overt use of Fascism.


The Communist and Workers’ Parties support the just anti-Fascist struggle of the working people of Donbass backed by the Russian Armed Forces.


The Communist and Workers’ Parties come out against the US imperialism which is using Fascist methods in its foreign policy and, with direct participation of NATO, is in fact waging a war aimed at defeating Russia with the hands of the puppet bourgeois-nationalist Ukrainian regime.


The Communist and Workers’ Parties declare that we will do all we can to prevent Russia from repeating the fate of Yugoslavia, Iraq or Libya, which is starkly at odds with the interests of the world workers’ movement.


Reaction seeks to establish its new order firmly and for long. Russia cannot afford to lose the war against Nazism.


The communist position is invariable: it is only by putting an end to capitalism that an end can be put to Fascism and the threat of a world nuclear war.



Editor: Zhong YaoHuang He




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