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Communist Party of the Workers of Spain: Keep on struggling shoulder to shoulder, class against class
     Release time: 2023-09-26

All over the electoral campaign, but also before it, the PCTE has clearly stated that, regardless of who governs in the new term, the working-class and people’s majority from our country is going to endure new attacks against their democratic, economic, and social rights.


We have also stated that the election between the PSOE and its crutch SUMAR or the PP and its crutch VOX only meant the election between different forms of managing Spanish capitalism, the interests of Spanish capitalists, whose main representatives have witnessed how their profits grew during this last term while life and labor conditions of the working-class majority have been worsened in an evident way.


The agreements adopted by the European Union for the transfer of funds from the so-called Recovery Plan will mean new sacrifices for the working class and the people, who will actually be the ones to pay the update of Spanish capitalism being hitherto led by the social democratic bloc of capitalism.


In spite of the PP victory, it does not have an absolute majority along with VOX. A stage that could lead to the repetition of elections in a few months will be opened unless the Basque and Catalan independentist forces support the investiture of Pedro Sánchez in a new social democratic coalition with SUMAR. In the case of reedit the social democratic coalition, the attacks against the working-class majority in the next term will follow the path opened after the outbreak of the crisis catalyzed by the pandemic. Measures that are meant to ensure a flexibility that will favor the employers at companies and the maintenance of company profits via a massive transfer of labor income to capital income —as subsidies, bonds, and direct or indirect assistances— will be presented as new workers’ and people’s rights.


In the case of electoral repetition, the working-class majority will be subdued to a brutal campaign to reinforce the main parties of each capitalist bloc.


In any case, in the future the reactionary stances will keep on growing —partly because of the frustration due to the inoperability of social democratic policies— and the social democracy will continue to try to restrain the workers’ and people’s mobilizations —if they arrive to La Moncloa— or to restart a period of mobilizations —consciously paralyzed in the last years— aiming to defend the management carried out in this last term.


In any case, the program for struggle the PCTE has presented in this electoral campaign should help to raise a new cycle of struggles and mobilizations in order to overcome the subordination and trust in social democracy. Such cycle should be characterized by a different political practice and a general questioning of the capitalist consensus shared by all the forces with parliamentary representation.


Our results —still modest but having a tendency to growth even though we did not present candidacies in one third of constituencies— point that we should keep on advancing in the development of a true class-oriented opposition to the capitalist consensus. Such opposition will be only possible through the general organizational strengthening of the working-class majority, through the recovery of its classical tools for struggle, and through a clear guidance to the rupture with capitalism and all those who advocate it as well as the reactionary stances pretending to introduce themselves within the workers’ and people’s movement.


We want to heartily greet the work of our militants in these months, thank the supports received, and reaffirm our will to keep on carrying out the political and organizational alternative required by our class and our people.



Editor: Zhong YaoHuang He




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