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Communist Party of Greece: Upgrade of the interests of the bourgeois class at the expense of the people’s interests and needs
     Release time: 2023-10-11

According to the disclosure of “Rizospastis”, daily newspaper and organ of the CC of the KKE, the US army is establishing alogistics center at Keratsini (near the port of Piraeus), a few steps away from the facilities of the Chinese monopoly COSCO, fact which confirms that the growing risks resulting from the deeper involvement of our country in the imperialist plans and antagonisms cannot leave anyone unconcerned.


The way was paved by the United States – Greece strategic agreement, originally negotiated by the “left-wing” SYRIZA government and adopted by the following right-wing ND government, which explicitly provides that all military facilities and civilian infrastructure, in addition to those mentioned by name in the agreement, can be used for NATO purposes and in particular for the needs of the US Armed Forces.


As this planning unfolds, more and more of its dangerous aspects are being revealed, in the context of the escalating confrontation between the US-NATO camp and its competitors, mainly China and Russia.


It is worth mentioning that similar plans for the utilization of port and other infrastructures, which will be included in the military and energy planning of the US and NATO, concern the port of Elefsina, as well as Skaramagas shipyards, “undermining” the entire western coastal area of Attica, within a radius of several kilometers and ensuring access to the largest industrial area of Greece, the Thriasio Plain.


The government presents these developments as confirmation of the country's “upgraded role” in the Euro-Atlantic planning, which allegedly guarantees security and stability for the people.


The war contracts with Ukraine, the Prime Minister’s announcements that the Greek Armed Forces will soon be deployed in the Indo-Pacific and, of course, the forthcoming trilateral meeting with Cyprus and Israel, which is presented as a “catalyst” for energy and other plans in the Eastern Mediterranean, are all carried out in the name of... “extroversion”.


The image of a “strong Greece”, which the government advertises, poses a great risk to the real interests of the people, who can now draw conclusions from their own experience: The role of Northern Greece in Europe’s “energy supply” has been crucial in recent years, especially after the war in Ukraine. However, the people of the region are increasingly being plunged into energy poverty and are becoming a target as imperialist rivalries intensify.


The trilateral partnership between Greece, Cyprus & Israel which started under SYRIZA government, continues for 7 years. However, no benefit has derived for the people from the cooperation plans for the extraction and exploitation of natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean. On the contrary, energy is becoming an increasingly expensive merchandise for the people, while new dangerous developments are taking place concerning the Cyprus issue and Greek-Turkish relations, with energy being the catalyst.


The only thing that is upgraded by the government’s policy, as a continuation of all the previous ones, is the interests of the bourgeois class in the whole area from the Black Sea to the Persian Gulf and now the Indo-Pacific, which is a field of fierce antagonism between the USA - China and their allies. What interest do the people have in the participation of the Armed Forces in military missions 8.000 kilometers away from our country's borders? Absolutely none.


On the contrary, they have every reason and interest to struggle so that they can live with dignity and build mutually beneficial relations with the other peoples of the region; to raise their own living standards, based on modern possibilities and needs, and not on the interests of a handful of business groups, which are dragging them into great dangers and adventures, serving the US-NATO plans and the country’s involvement in them.



Editor: Zhong YaoHuang He




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