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The Chongqing Practice: An Example of the China Model

Hou Huiqin, Xin Xiangyang & Ren Limei



The city of Chongqing epitomizes the multi-layered characteristics of the development of Chinese cities, and the process of regional development there has seen many conflicts. Consequently, Chongqing's experience of reform and development inevitably offers itself as a model of how ‘socialism with Chinese characteristics’ operates in practice. In recent years, Chongqing has adopted a series of popularly-oriented policies aimed at achieving common prosperity. Chongqing is facing up to its reality, advocating reforms and vigorously promoting its ‘Five-Chongqing Program’ based on the following themes: Livable Chongqing, Traffic-Smooth Chongqing, Forested Chongqing, Safe Chongqing, and Healthy Chongqing. Also being pursued are special campaigns with such titles as ‘Crime Crackdown’, ‘Singing Red (Revolutionary) Songs, Reading Classic Books’, and ‘Three-Into and Three-With’. The goal is to make Chongqing more developed, more livable and more beautiful. In its practice, the city adheres to the basic principle of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and systematically highlights the value of socialism. Chongqing also relates closely to its reality, learning readily from other successful examples while maintaining its creativity and making use of market dialectics. The outstanding element in Chongqing's practice is that it combines scientific development with harmonious, people-oriented concepts, internalizing them and using them in its functioning. Chongqing's creative practice is destined to be an advanced example of the development model of socialism with Chinese characteristics.



Chongqing practicepeople-orientedscientific developmentsocialism with Chinese characteristics


From: International Critical Thought 2012 2 (2)

Editor: Wang Yi


发布时间:2021-10-23 21:30:00