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A Special Report on the International Congress of New Paradigm in Economics and Social Sciences of the 21st Century

Liu Zixu



With the escalation of the global and economic crisis, the attention of both academia and policy makers has again shifted towards socialism as a viable alternative to capitalism at the global level. Actual changes, however, require the integration of theoretical insights and a program of concrete actions. To that end, an international congress was held in Mexico City at the end of October 2010, to discuss alternative development models and present vanguard thinking with regard to social science research and social progress in the twenty-first century. Drawing upon the experiences in China, Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, the UK, the US, etc, scholars from these countries engaged themselves in dialogues about such topics as the China Model, the experience of the BRIC countries, the historical lessons of the Soviet Union, and socialism in Latin America. With profound analysis and solid understanding of the current situation, the conditions of twenty-first century socialism were formulated and presented.


Keywords: international congress; new paradigm; social sciences; twenty-first century


From: International Critical Thought 2011 1 (1)

Editor: Wang Yi


发布时间:2021-10-23 21:31:00