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Perspectives on the Historical Origin and Essential Nature of Twenty-First Century Socialism in Latin America

He Qin



Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, with the revival of left-wing politics, there has been a thriving variety of debates and explorations of twenty-first century socialism in Latin America. The socialist traditions of the region are deep and rich, but few of them were successful. How were Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador able to realize their distinctive models of twenty-first century socialism in peripheral areas? Through a retrospect of the origins and logic of twenty-first century socialism in Latin America, this article attempts to analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by twenty-first century socialism, followed by its historical essence and significance.



Latin America; socialism in the twenty-first century; origin and essence



From: International Critical Thought 2015 5 (4)

Editor: Wang Yi

发布时间:2021-10-23 21:39:00