A Review of Studies on Mao Zedong in Japan (2009–2012)
Zheng Ping
In the view of many Japanese, Mao Zedong remains the key to interpreting contemporary China. Japanese studies on Mao from 2009 to 2012 show the following characteristics. In terms of research institutions and researchers, the traditional research institutes and academic organizations are still the major forces, while the newly established research bases are expected to achieve results in making the study on Mao Zedong more systematic, penetrating and international. Chinese scholars studying in Japan are beginning to enter the academic mainstream and have some ability to make their views heard. In terms of research methods, the Japanese scholars still cherish the tradition of attaching great importance to historical evidence, but they are also beginning to value research results obtained outside of Japan. In terms of content, they focus on relevant topics and trends outside Japan, and seek to benefit from Western and Chinese studies on Mao.
Japanese left-wing scholars; studies on Mao Zedong; contemporary China
From: International Critical Thought 2013 3 (4)
Editor: Wang Yi
发布时间:2021-10-23 21:40:00