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Xu Xiuna:Methodology for Creative Transformation of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture in the New Era

The creative transformation methods of excellent traditional Chinese culture in the new era roughly include interpretive methods, systematic methods, abstract and concrete methods, historical dialectics, and practical methods. The interpretation method is based on cultural consciousness as the premise and guided by practical problems to endow traditional categories with new era content. The system approach treats the creative transformation of traditional culture as a holistic and dynamic system. Abstract and concrete methods abstract the universal content in traditional culture, using an abstract inheritance method that transforms the form of content and endows it with contemporary connotations. At the same time, they combine the universal content in traditional culture with modern society. Historical dialectics includes the correct handling of multiple dialectical relationships such as sublation and inheritance, tradition and modernization, tradition and creation. Practical methods are also important methods for the creative transformation of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Explanatory methods, systematic methods, abstract and concrete methods, historical dialectics, practical methods, and other diverse methodologies constitute the creative transformation of excellent traditional Chinese culture in the new era, providing methodological inspiration for the specific practice of creative transformation of traditional culture.



Editor: Zhong YaoLiu Tingting



From:Research on Marxist Culture.2023.No.1.

发布时间:2023-11-08 15:00:00