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Industrial & Labor Relations Review



Aims and Scope

The goal of ILR Review is to publish the best empirical research on the world of work, to advance theory, and to inform policy and practice. It welcomes papers that are bold and original, novel theories, innovative research methods, and new approaches to organizational and public policy.


Important real world problems

ILR Review publishes research on important issues—globalization, capital and labor mobility, inequality, wage setting, unemployment, labor market dynamics, international migration, work organization and technology, human resource management and personnel economics, demographic and ethnic differences in labor markets, workplace conflicts, alternative forms of representation, and labor regulation.


International and comparative scope

Research by international scholars is central to the ILR Review and to the Journal’s mission of advancing knowledge of the changing nature of work and employment relations. It also improves our awareness, acceptance, tolerance, and understanding of others' perspectives and challenges. Comparative institutional, organizational, and market analyses make critical contributions to the journal.


Interdisciplinary approaches

ILR Review highly values research from diverse social science perspectives including anthropology, economics, history, industrial relations, law, management, political science, psychology, and sociology. It believes that interdisciplinary debate spurs innovative research and policy development.


Diverse research methodologies

ILR Review publishes high-quality empirical work that embraces a wide range of methodologies. It features ethnographic and qualitative approaches and theory-building, mixed methods, and formal econometric modeling.


Source: http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/ilr-review


发布时间:2017-04-29 10:08:00