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Labour History Review



Labour History Review Introduction

Since 1960, the journal Labour History Review has explored the working lives and politics of ‘ordinary’ people. It has played a key role in redefining social and political history.

Labour History Review, published three times a year, is a keystone of the work by SSLH (Society for the Study of Labour History). Membership to the society is secured by means of a subscription to LHR.


Labour History Review’s Scope

The journal’s emphasis is on British labour history, though comparative and international studies are not neglected. It welcomes contributions that dig deeper within the traditional subject matter of labour history and are keen to expand the parameters of the subject and the range of approaches taken to it. It is particularly interested in articles that engage with issues of gender, ethnicity or race, as well as class.


Source: http://www.sslh.org.uk/


发布时间:2017-04-29 10:10:00