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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 4, No. 3, Autumn 2013



Major Schools of Marxist Economics in Japan: History and Contemporary Development

Watanabe Masao and Xiaojun Tan


Reviving the Cambridge Controversy by Combining Marx with Sraffa

Tiago Camarinha Lopes


Is the theory of a falling profit rate valid?

Paul Cockshott


Quantitative Easing: The Reflection on Practice and Theory

Yingxi Lu


Towards a New Distributive Principle of Wealth beyond the Capitalistic-market, the State and Labor

Luis J. Alvarez Lozano


Intensified Restructuring of the Global Industrial System and Remodeling the Competitive Advantage of Nations

Yahong Li and Maoxing Huang


The “Financialized” Structure of Automobile Corporations in the 2000s

Roberto Alexandre Zanchetta Borghi, Fernando Sarti and Marcos Antonio Macedo Cintra



The Academic Career and Achievements of Aleksandr Buzgalin

Shan Tong




发布时间:2014-01-29 10:51:56