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World Review of Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2017




Political Economic Analysis of China’s Economic Trends: Reasons and Solutions for Successive Declined Growth for 5 Years

Jiang Yu and Xinhua Jian


Price Flexibility and Full Employment: Barking Up the Wrong (Neoclassical) Tree

Roy H. Grieve


The Income Effect of Minimum Wage for the Underclass: Is It Positive in China?

Fusheng Xie and Ruilin Chen


Can Global Elites Pave the Way for a New Transnational Unit of Account?—A Reflection on the Numerical Nature of Money

Marc Pilkington


Financialization and Economic Policy: The Issue of Capital Control in the Developing Countries

Kalim Siddiqui


David Harvey’s Theory of Accumulation by Dispossession: A Marxist Critique

Raju Das



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发布时间:2018-01-10 10:18:00