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STUDIES ON MARXISM (Monthly) 2014 No.2 February
     Release time: 2014-04-25




·Special Contribution·

Sticking to and Developing Mao Zedong Thought and Advancing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Unswervingly    Wang Weiguang



Sticking to the Mass Line and Carrying out Democratic Centralism - An Interview with Professor Ma Shaomeng, Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Renmin University of China    Reporter of this Magazine


·In Commemoration of the 120th Anniversary of Mao Zedong’s Birth·

The Formation and Development of Mao Zedong’s Mass Line    Ai Silin and Kang Peizhu

Mao Zedong’s Idea of Human Rights    Dai Lixing

The Theoretical System of Mao Zedong’s Political Thought    Lin Yi


·Marxism-Leninism and Its Sinization·

The Theoretical and Historical Logic of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics    Zhang Leisheng

Reflections on the Confidence in the Route, Theory and Institution of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics    Chen Jinlong

Correctly Grasping the “Three No Changes” in Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics    Zhang Xiao

Lenin’s Theoretical Explanation and Practical Exploration about Socialist Equality and Its Implications    Wang Jinfen



Several Issues about the Innovation and Development of Marxist Economics    Jian Xinhua

Institutional Arrangement and Corporate Social Responsibility: Alternative Views from Europe    Zhang Xian and Tan Kecheng

The Age of Neo-liberalism and Financial Crisis from the Perspective of Theory of Social Structure of Accumulation     (US) Victor D. Lippit


·Philosophy and Culture·

The Foundation of Marx’s Materialist View of the Mass    Yang He and Du Yan

Supersession Based on Critique: The Theoretical Logic of Marx’s Social Justice Theory    Wu Cuili and Li Jia

The Dialectics in Historical Materialism and the Confidence in the Route of Backward Countries towards Socialism    Jie Changguang

Marx’s Critique and Supersession of Traditional View on Harmony and Its Contemporary Value    Huang Zhibin, Dai Changbin and Wei Rong


·Politics and Society·

Legal Regulations on the Profit-Making Activities of Public Employees’ Relatives    Tian He and Lü Yanbin

Social Rights Protection of the New Urban Immigrants in the Context of New  Forms of Urbanization    Su Xin


·Trends and Information·

Review of the Celebration of Liu Guoguang’s 90th Birthday and the Symposium of Perfecting the System of Socialist Market Economy    Zhang Fujun

In Commemoration of the 120th Anniversary of Mao Zedong’s Birth and Constantly Improving the Sinization of Marxism - Review of the First National Postdoctorates Forum on Marxist Theories    Wu Keming and Zhou Jianhua

Mao Zedong and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics - Review of the International Symposium of Mao Zedong’s Heritage: Thought, Route and Institution and the 20th Annual Conference of the Chinese Research Society of Mao Zedong’s Philosophical Thought    Peng Zhen and Wang Xiangqing




Editor: zhang Jiangang

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