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STUDIES ON MARXISM (Monthly) 2014 No.4 April
     Release time: 2014-08-17




·Special Contribution·

On the Regularity of the Modernization of Socialist Governance          Yang Chengxun5



The Cultivation and Practice of Socialist Core Values from the Perspective of Cultural Construction - An Interview with Tao Delin, Consultant of the Academy of Marxism (CASS) and Professor of Wuhan University                                 Yu Juan and She Shuanghao13


·Marxism-Leninism and Its Sinization·

Mao Zedongs Reflection on the Great Leap Forward - Also on Mao Zedongs Ten Self-Criticism                                             Yin Yungong23

The Unique Route of the Spread of Marxism in China - A Textual Analysis of Cai Hesens Evolutionary History of Society                                Wang Jianguo33



The Reform of State-Owned Enterprises: Theoretical and Practical Innovation     Guo Fei40

Correcting the Theoretical Misunderstanding of Necessary Low Efficiency of State-Owned Enterprises - Efficiency and Efficacy Measurement of Chinas State-Owned Enterprises in 1949-1980 from a Holistic Perspective                     Long Fu and Wang Jinchao52

The Quantitative Analysis of the Overall Situation of Chinas State-Owned Economy (1993-2011) - An Empirical Response to the Criticism of State-Owned Economy  

Zhang Jiaxin and Ju Getong63


·Philosophy and Culture·

On the Practice-Dominated Dialectical Materialism - A New Interpretation of the Essential Spirit of Marxist Philosophy                                          Tao Fuyuan73

Distributive Justice: Examination of Marxist Economic Philosophy         Yang Juan84

A Historical Materialism Analysis of the Risk Society                    Zhong Jun90


·Politics and Society·

Reform at the Root: Strengthening the Foundation of All-Around Reform - Studying the Spirit of Xi Jinpings Serial Speeches and Eliminating the Interference of Erroneous Thoughts from the West                   

Cheng Yanjun, Xu Min and Cheng Hao99)

The Role of Government Audit in Anti-Corruption Movement: Theoretical Analysis and Policy Suggestions                                                   Li Minghui106)


·Scientific Socialism·

The Basic Principles of Scientific Socialism Shall Not Be Deserted  

 Shi Zhenping and Huang Jing(116

Rethinking Stalins Idea of Socialism in One Country     Tang Desen and Jiang Li126


·Ideological and Political Education·

The Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of Multi-Dimensional Space

Wang Xuejian and Zhang Zhe133)

On the Theoretical Thoroughness of Ideological and Political Education         Li Yan141)


·Trends and Information·

The Debate on the Chinese Model in Pluralistic Discourses           Chen Shuguang148)




Editor: zhang Jiangang


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