Grasping the Integrity of Marxism
from the Perspective of Scientific Socialism
Li Chongfu
This article tries to elaborate a kind of understanding and grasping about the integrity of Marxism from the perspective of scientific socialism. Marxism is a unified, rigorous and scientific system and a very profound and multi-aspect theory as well. As its three basic constituent parts, Marxist philosophy, political economics and scientific socialism are not equal, in fact it could be interpreted that the philosophical world outlook and political economics are two theoretical pillars that support the theory of scientific socialism. They constitute a unified scientific system that guide the proletarian revolution and socialist construction cause and lead to the communist society at last. So we should take scientific socialism as the core and axis to understand and grasp the integrity of Marxism.
Realistic Evaluation of Mao Zedong’s Idea of Cosmopolitanism
Wang Xiajian
As an important part of Mao Zedong Thought, his idea of Cosmopolitanism was created by the early Chinese communists represented by Mao Zedong. This idea critically inherited the Chinese traditional culture and the western culture. During the new democratic revolution, socialist transformation and socialist construction process, it has been gradually raised and proven, and got rich scientific connotation and typical social characteristics. We should evaluate it with the world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. Mao Zedong’s idea of Cosmopolitanism is the product of the combination of the Marxist basic tenets and the Chinese revolution and construction, and also the unification of idea and reality, theory and practice, and generality and individuality.
Several Important Issues on Chinese Industry at Present
Gao Liang
The reform and opening up promotes the development of Chinese industry. But we should realize the problems in it soberly at the same time. On the whole, the industry technology in China falls behind the western, the competition among middle and small-sized enterprises and low-end productivity are excessive, high-end product is controlled by others for the most part, and independent technological innovation and international marketing capability is not enough. In face of the strong competition from foreign investment, it has no clear countermeasures. The core in the transformation of the economic development mode is to promote industrial upgrading with independent technological innovation, to guide the economic reform and development with development strategy, and to comprehensively consider the relationship between the government and the enterprises, the micro competition and comprehensive collaboration, and openness and autonomy, as well the coordination of industrial technology policy, marketing policy and foreign economic policy.
Marx’s Viewpoint of Distributive Justice and Its Realistic Implications
Xiong Jiansheng and Zhang Zhenhua
The healthy operation and sustainable development of human society cannot do without a fair distribution system. The distributive justice problem is how to make reasonable distribution of social wealth among different members to facilitate the social justice. Marx argued that solving the social allocation problem is rooted in the ownership of the means of production, the key lies in the mode of distribution and the principle of distribution, and its ultimate value is to create the conditions for the establishment of the society where each individual can be free to develop comprehensively through the realization of distributive justice. Therefore, in China today, under the background of the increasingly prominent distribution contradictions and the widening of income gap, the study on the Marx’s view of distributive justice is of great significance both in theory and in practice.
The Dual Perspective on “Indoctrination” – the Discourse Difference between Contemporary Western Critical Theory
on Indoctrination and Marxist “Indoctrination” Theory
Sun Laibin and Gao Yuefeng
For the two kinds of discourse system of Marxist indoctrination theory and the contemporary western critical theory on indoctrination,indoctrination is the same word but two different concepts. The reason is that there are fundamental differences in the aspects of content, methods, intentions and results between them. More specifically, the former focuses on the educational meaning of indoctrination. In practice, it is interpreted as an ideological and theoretical education activity which is for the working class. And it has four characteristics. It takes the scientific theory as content, the inspiration and guidance as methods, the realization of class consciousness of the workers as intent and people’s self-development as result. However the latter regards the indoctrination as the opposite of education. And the indoctrination is interpreted as an irrational, anti-humane way of ideas spreading. And the latter also has four characteristics: (1) dogmatic content;(2) mandatory method;(3) the intention of blind obedience;(4)the result of closed mind. And no matter for what kind of discourse system, the connotation of indoctrination is complicated.
Review of the Status Quo of and Changes
in the European Radical Left Parties
Lin Deshan
Since the beginning of the 21st century, radical left parties in Europe have recovered from the decline in the early 1990s, some of them are especially active during the financial crisis. But the radical parties consist of complicated forces which have different influence on the society, and some of them experience steep rise and fall in politics. Ideologically, these parties hold different trend of thoughts, including communism, socialism and new radicalism. The social supporting structure of some left parties has being changed from traditional industrial workers to the new radical forces in the middle. A lot of problems, including different attitudes to the capitalism and to the left union, internal conflicts around the power, the divisions around the EU, limit their political influence as a whole, which also show the uncertainty in their political development.
Editor: zhang Jiangang